Contributing to the Profession

       Contributing to the Profession


One site I use daily is Google Drive. I put all my school documents (lesson plans, report card comments, worksheets, lesson activities) into the Google drive and I am able to access all my important documents from any computer in the world, as long as I can login to my Gmail account. It has been so easy to get work done at home then access everything on my school computer without having to carry around (and sometimes lose) a thumb drive.


I love using Brain Pop jr. to introduce new concepts and the students love it too. This website has over 1,000 great curriculum based short animated videos for students in K-12 . It's a fun way to get students engaged in a new concept.


Class Dojo is a fantastic way to keep students motivated and create a positive culture in your class. Class Dojo is an computer program that keeps track of student behavior by rewarding them with Dojo points. It is also a way for parents to keep track of their students behavior at school by having access to thier page.